Saturday, September 21, 2013

Tuesday, September 24 - Presentation Boards

Please bring your art supplies to class on Tuesday. We will be working in class on our boards.


Presentation boards are used on fashion design and merchandising to present and express ideas. They should be clear, attractive and professional.


Fashion presentation resources:

Fashion Presentation boards: standards and guidelines

General recommendations for Fashion Presentation boards.
  1. Captions
    1. keep your fashion boards informative. It must be clear what your board represents. Fashion trend related and /or seasonal information information should be on a presentation board.
    2. readable font: readability first !!!Font size: big enough to be read easily but not too big.
  2. technical perfection: Check quality of your technical drawings (flats) ,textile designs, fashion illustrations and photos before you compile your board.
  3. Layout
    1. Always preserve some space as a visual frame for your fashion board
    2. Use the space of the board efficiently without wasted space .
    3. Economize the space on the fashion board by overlapping your technical drawings (flats) and other visuals ( for example textile swatches)
      negative space around the Fashion Presentation boards, "visual frame", overlapping of visuals (technical drawings, fashion illustrations and textile swatches) helps to create very focused and efficient fashion presentation boards ( by Dominique Acevedo)
    4. Use either perfect symmetry or absolute asymmetry as a principle of layout for Fashion Presentation boards .
      Symmerical boardAssymmerical board
    5. All elements in your Fashion Presentation must be aligned
      perfectly aligned boards by Robin Thompson look very organized and very focused
    6. Composition of the page must include all design basics requirements, and first of all, Balance and Unity
  4. implementation
    1. Background: curb your enthusiasm. Keep it simple, no pictures on the background unless it is a necessity
    2. minimum embellishments . Focus on the layout not on decoration.
    3. Limit yourself in color: keep a minimum of colors on your board
    4. Keep your colors in harmony : if you have to use more than one/two colors for your board, arrange your colors in harmony. Analogous color scheme or monochromatic color scheme usually are perfect solutions for coloring boards without taking too much attention from content.
      • Outline swatch including it in a visual box frame.
      • Use 3D effects .
      • Make color of background more de-saturated and more neutral than the colors of your designs. Consider a different value for color of a background ( lighter or darker) than your images on a board.
  5. Style :
    • contrast of proportions (big and small ) Include close-ups as a reinforcement to general image.
      "close ups" with accent on important details help designer to focus attention on the most important aspects of the presentation designs and fashion presentation boards by Slavica Trifunoska : see Slavica Trifunoska portfolio
    • Originality of imagery : If your image is not created by you it must be either copyright free, or you have to obtain a written permission from the copyright owner allowing you to use the image. It is unprofessional and in some cases illegal to use other people's creations without their permission.

  6. Remember, that you are not selling your boards, you are selling the collections of garment or fabric with the help of your boards , therefore , visual and written data must be the logical focus of your presentation. . This is not Fine Art where you are expressing yourself for the sake of Art, this is Design, therefore think of function of your presentation first. Follow the logic of data-driven, content-oriented board and make the content of your board the paramount. Do not disrupt viewer's attention from content of your board by over-decorating your board.


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